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    In light of recent developments about a player from Premier League being arrested and until there is an official announcement, ALL users should refrain from discussing or speculating about situations around personal off-pitch matters related to any Arsenal player. This is to protect you and the forum.

    Users who disregard this reminder will be issued warnings and their posts will get deleted from public.

Squad Analysis 2015/2016


Here since 2009. Unlike Cornavirus.

Country: England
You know you have issues to address in your life when.......


New Member
You boast about being from the highbury estate fam?! Big man, do something in real life mate. Happy to arrange something


Established Member
Trusted ⭐

Country: England
2009?! Another life wasted on a forum.
Don't worry mate I'm outta here. You own this massive slice of the virtual world. But to call this an Arsenal forum....
Do me a favour
Thanks son, say Hi to Dennis for me.


Well-Known Member
Big mistake going into the season if we do, with just Coquelin as a legit DM.

Unless we sign someone else or the Polish lad has a stormer, i'll completely stand by that for the whole season. It's mismanagement, as it was last year when we didn't buy a DM period until we called him back due to injuries.

It really isn't anything like last year is it though.

Last year we didnt have a proper DM and 99% of us agreed it was a mistake not to address this before the season kicked off, it finally got addressed by force rather than intention and we brought in Coquelin who excelled.

So here we are now with a proper DM that we all wanted and if we don't sign another backup DM its classed as mismanagement? Role back the calendar 1 year and we would have been happy to enter the season with 1 proper DM and Arteta as backup........now we have that its not good enough......never ending!

Since Özil our transfer dealings have been pretty good imo, we had a deficiency in CB, we addressed it in January, we had an issue in GK, we addressed it, we lost Sagna to ****ty city we purchased Debuchy, we sold a broken Vermaelen and purchased a young english talent, we lacked depth at CF so we purchase another english player.....NOW we have good depth and are in a position to wait for top quality people get throw their toys out of the pram because we aren't snapping up the Benteke's and Schneiderlin's of the world.

Chill out, we will add, maybe not in this window but when we do it will be top level


Here since 2009. Unlike Cornavirus.

Country: England
I think the guys just fighting his inner demoms to be fair. There's been some really weird posters pop up lately.
Last edited:


Active Member
I feel like we're 2 signings away from being genuine title contenders. It just seems like we're always "waiting" for something.. player X and Y to develop, an Almunia to be moved on or in our current case, back up for Coq and a WC striker. We're damn close, personally I'd table exorbitant offers for Benz/Reus, but I predict the window will shut before rectifying our weaknesses and we're gunna be left waiting for next summer for our wishes.


Well-Known Member
Get out my thread.



Arsenal-Mania Veteran

Country: Australia
Hi all, I am @12TimeWinners Originally....I' like to address 1 or 20 things....

First off, good morning Mods (and everyone). Would you mind providing an explanation to my query?

Has the 12TimeWinners account been banned/excommunicated/blocked/barred/or simply deleted? As I have tried and failed to sign in on multiple devices...Error reds 'Moderation Guru', or something. Shame as under that account within 5 days I felt I had contributed plenty of intelligent, positive, and at times dare I say humorous posts (Please review the postings and get back to me)....alongside to 'Mania' induced effing giffig admittedly!;)

If indeed it has, is that not censorship? Did I ever post anything negative? Or was it a few silly gifs, or the fact that along with Muzzi Ozcan, Memz Dogi, and every other 'CVNT ON TWITTA', I was being hung for supposedly raising the Benzema post count single handedly?
Even though, the majority of the posts actually consist to this day of people dropping by to throw mud at Arsène/Arsenal players and positive posters, and damning our season before we even begin.

For those whom I haven't properly acquainted myself with here is my profile.

I am a life-long Arsenal fan (By blood literally). Born and raised in North London, where I still live (close to many of the players, in an area called Hampstead).
I am a privileged season ticket holder of 5 years having sat it out on the waiting list for 8.
I attend between 6-8 away games on average (I would love to go to more). I turn up to matches and support my team LOUDLY!

I have visited this forum over a number of years as a place to read other fan views, and treat the transfer threads as a useful aggregate of latest news, and events.
I felt compelled last week to become an active poster during a period off work, as I haven't felt as positive and excited about Arsenal's prospective season in a long time. (This coming from a fan who is pretty damn positive 99% of the time).

My views on the current squad:
We have a wonderful blend of youth, experience, world + international class talent, with a healthy slab of young British talent at it's core. We are also coming into the season as back to back, record FA cup winners, a trophy I have adored since childhood.

My answer to those whom cite coming 3rd last season and Arsène having to acquire a number of new players:

- I strongly disagree,
we will not be repeating our worst start to the league in 30 years. Our squad is far stronger than at this time last here, why? we have 4 outstanding additions since then, Özil and Mertersacker are fresh, without WC winning hang ups, we are practically an injury-free and physically sharp squad, we have no CL qualifiers to contend with. etc. etc.

Who are the 4 outstanding additions? Some will ask....I'll tell ya!

- Francis Coquelin: Arguably our best DM since Gilberto Silva, and one of the most exceptional in the league on current form.

- Hector Bellerin: Comfortably the best young RB in Europe imo. An exceptional talent, and our first choice...a fine Sagna replacement, with a very solid, fit Debuchy as backup

- Gabriel Paulista: On TV he looks great, in person he looks even more talented. Pacey, intelligent, aggressive and young. I believe Gabriel is Bosscielny waiting to happen all over again!

- Petr muthafukin' Cech: Simply put, at least in the top 3 Greatest Premier League Goalkeepers list.

Happy to entertain debate on any of those guys.

Matthieu Flamini, Olivier Giroud & Theo Walcott:

Probably the 3 most controversial players in our current squad amongst many on here.

- Flamini; Came back, did a job, pointed allot, however, has given his best and is undeserving of allot of the unfair, and at times personal criticism he attracts. I believe the Galatasary links to be true. It would be typical of Wenger to finalise such a deal once a replacement is tied up. In this event I would love to think us Gooners will give Matthieu a classy send off.

- Giroud; Much maligned! Simply put, he isn't Thierry Henry. We have been spoilt. He is a decent player whom would start in most Champions League (European wide) team lineups. We, and every other team could do with a world class striker............He isn't Henry.

- THEO; The lad has looked VERY sharp since Wenger eased him back from a 12 month injury. Theo is a top class player whom, along with many Arsenal players has had horrific luck with injuries. Not the players fault. If he, Jack, Rambo, and every other Arsenal player can steer clear of long-term injuries......just WOAH!

My Appeal to fellow Arsenal fans:

(Firstly the controversial bit) I was challenged by @Artisan + @a_fourteen (Peace guys!) about my declaration as being a ST holder within 2 days of signing up to A-M
IIRC, I was slapped with, ''All Arsenal fans are equal''
I'm afraid I disagree. (This is probably the point at which I attract a torrent of caps-locked fury lol).
My seat at the Emirates is 10 or so rows back from the away dugout, where I sit next to a family of 3 generation Arsenal fans, whom have been coming as a family to support their beloved Arsenal for over 30 years! (Dennis - in his 70's, his two sons - 30s, and his grandson -12ish'). We are flanked and surrounded by nice, but fairly 'typical - Arsenal fans', whom tend to moan allot between goals, particularly at rare mis-placed passes, and Arsène's delay in making substitutions (a hole I must confess I also have been guilty of falling into.
Dennis, his sons, and his Grandson are unfortunately considering their future as ST holders, due to the incessant grumblings, and admittedly, the cost of holding onto their seats YoY.

My point is, we as fans have a duty, and a job to do. Of course we are all entitled to have our views however, I want to place emphasis on our job (Dennis has been among other, a mentor in this for me).
My appeal to Arsenal fans is to realise and understand that our club is made-up of fellow human beings, whom, as much as they are trained to ignore, respond to our sentiments. I see the evidence at EVERY match.
Our job as fans, since the inception of the club is to get behind our team. for example, even after conceding I make a point of standing up and shouting (sometimes with a hint of frustration) ''COME ON YOU GUNNERS! DON'T LET THESE CVNTS GET AWAY WITH THAT! SHOW THEM WHAT WE'VE GOT''.. etc. etc.

'Wrap it up mate....'

I mustn't type much more! When I say we as fans aren't equal, I qualify that by adding - Yes, technically, we are equal as human beings to support The Arsenal, but having received abuse for my own positive outlooks, I want to see the standard of support rise! I am fortunate to live where I do, and I bump into players of both AFC and sp*rs (unfortunately), during their domestic outings in Hampstead.
My experience of them is different to media-perception. Yes they're rich, famous, and well put together*, but they are typically normal, reserved, humble and often shy guys whom happen to have reached the pinnacle of a very competitive industry and represent OUR TEAM. ~*(especially Giroud, the bastard! I've had the unfortunate experience of meeting him with my girlfriend...another story for another day)

The point is, the better we can perform as fans, the more chance we have as a club to finally enter the promised land! After all I cannot remember the last successful team who won major prizes without strong support from their fans. Can you???

Final word, on transfers:

As I said time and again in my previous 12TimeWinners incarnation; we will make 1 or 2 additions. Please trust in Wenger, if nothing else, he isn't a liar. I firmly believe he is just waiting for the right class of player (THE TOP TOP!). His quotes of late really fill me with belief, that this season more than any, he senses the opportunity and is relishing a title push after years in the financially-constrained wilderness.

Hate my posts or love them, I won't be around for long. Remember, it's pretty straight forward to sit behind a screen and hurl nonsense at 'Real-life, living human beings', whom you may or may not be prepared to say such things to in person. That goes for even the twitter ITK's, whom genuine or full of it, are all part of the modern transfer rumour picture. Even though I happen to think Memz et al. are pretty thick. They're gooners, and to that I am allied.

.................REMEMBER ALSO, MAUREEN IS BRICKING IT! Have you ever know the guy to go into such a melt down in a pre-season?!



Nope your original account wasn't banned , so I don't know what you were doing starting two more . After you last couple of posts though ... do us a favour and don't come back.


Well-Known Member
I feel like we're 2 signings away from being genuine title contenders. It just seems like we're always "waiting" for something.. player X and Y to develop, an Almunia to be moved on or in our current case, back up for Coq and a WC striker. We're damn close, personally I'd table exorbitant offers for Benz/Reus, but I predict the window will shut before rectifying our weaknesses and we're gunna be left waiting for next summer for our wishes.
I have to strongly disagree with you. This is the deepest squad that Arsenal have ever had (at least in the Wenger years). We have starter quality backup at most positions. Of course it is not our best squad ever, but we will be genuine title contenders with our current composition.

Are there strikers that I would prefer to Giroud? Most certainly there are. But his hold up/lay off play is as good as any striker in the league and he scores at the rate of a top 5 striker. How much more than that does one need to be truly effective in that position. Those two attributes together mean that there is no doubt in my mind that a team with Giroud as its main target man can win the league. I think I am realistic in my belief that Costa would only be a slight upgrade (on the other hand, Aguero is in a completely different class). I am far more concerned that a substantial injury to Coq would harm us irreparably. The drop-off in energy and tenacity in midfield when he is not there is palpable. Maybe one of the youngsters could provide it, but Arteta cannot and I believe that Wenger is somewhat blind to this.

Of all the contenders we are the deepest squad and are also the most stable. Would we have been better with the purchase of DiMaria and Falcao last year? Maybe, but ManU certainly wasn't any better because of those two. I think many forget how much of a team sport football is. One of the great talents of the last 20 years, Ibra, didn't mesh in an unbelievable Barca team. Better than a big name signing, is an upgrade in personnel to support an important tactical shift, or a tactical shift to take advantage of personnel, or a tactical shift that counters a previous weakness. We can now compete in multiple styles of game as we finally have our counter-attacking abilities restored. Ox, Theo, Ramsey and Alexis give us probably the most dangerous counterattack in the league. Cech provides the final piece to our high defensive line which, in effect, allows for a pressing game in midfield and upfront.

If Coq stays fit and Wenger rotates better than in years past I believe that it will be us and Chelsea well ahead of the others. Stability and structure matter and I don't believe that ManU will be in the race in 15/16. City is a question mark and barring a huge bounce-back season from Kompany along with a full 38 games from Aguero I don't see them competing either. They seem to be a team without leaders. When times are bad I think that players like Nasri and Yaya will bring them down further. Losing James Milner is actually a pretty big deal.

This year is the first since 2009 that I enter the season with any real confidence. And I finally get to put some money down. I'm placing a fairly substantial bet on us winning the league before the odds drop any further. I'm hoping to find a place where I can hedge that bet with a Chelsea-Arsenal 1-2 finish. I would consider any other result a pretty big shock.

clockwork orange

Blind faith in "LVG filoshophy"
I feel like we're 2 signings away from being genuine title contenders. It just seems like we're always "waiting" for something.. player X and Y to develop, an Almunia to be moved on or in our current case, back up for Coq and a WC striker. We're damn close, personally I'd table exorbitant offers for Benz/Reus, but I predict the window will shut before rectifying our weaknesses and we're gunna be left waiting for next summer for our wishes.
I'm also in favour of strengthening the squad with at least 1 top attacking player (Wide/CF) and Coq back up.

Not sure what you man by genuine. Think we're already able to win the league if things go our way. Think we've somewhere between a 10 and 20% chance now. Further strengthening would dramatically increase those chances and therefore justify the investment.
I'm also in favour of strengthening the squad with at least 1 top attacking player (Wide/CF) and Coq back up.

Not sure what you man by genuine. Think we're already able to win the league if things go our way. Think we've somewhere between a 10 and 20% chance now. Further strengthening would dramatically increase those chances and therefore justify the investment.
Why is no-one factoring in the probability of more emerging stars from the youth ranks a la last year, and most seasons? You guys don't think if push came to shove Bellerin couldn't do a descent job at DM, with his technique and recovery pace? Hell I think Chambers, Debuchy or Gabriel would be fine there to shut shyt down
New players are always nice, we'll get them I reckon.
Last edited:
Hi all, I am @12TimeWinners Originally....I' like to address 1 or 20 things....

First off, good morning Mods (and everyone). Would you mind providing an explanation to my query?

Has the 12TimeWinners account been banned/excommunicated/blocked/barred/or simply deleted? As I have tried and failed to sign in on multiple devices...Error reds 'Moderation Guru', or something. Shame as under that account within 5 days I felt I had contributed plenty of intelligent, positive, and at times dare I say humorous posts (Please review the postings and get back to me)....alongside to 'Mania' induced effing giffig admittedly!;)

If indeed it has, is that not censorship? Did I ever post anything negative? Or was it a few silly gifs, or the fact that along with Muzzi Ozcan, Memz Dogi, and every other 'CVNT ON TWITTA', I was being hung for supposedly raising the Benzema post count single handedly?
Even though, the majority of the posts actually consist to this day of people dropping by to throw mud at Arsène/Arsenal players and positive posters, and damning our season before we even begin.

For those whom I haven't properly acquainted myself with here is my profile.

I am a life-long Arsenal fan (By blood literally). Born and raised in North London, where I still live (close to many of the players, in an area called Hampstead).
I am a privileged season ticket holder of 5 years having sat it out on the waiting list for 8.
I attend between 6-8 away games on average (I would love to go to more). I turn up to matches and support my team LOUDLY!

I have visited this forum over a number of years as a place to read other fan views, and treat the transfer threads as a useful aggregate of latest news, and events.
I felt compelled last week to become an active poster during a period off work, as I haven't felt as positive and excited about Arsenal's prospective season in a long time. (This coming from a fan who is pretty damn positive 99% of the time).

My views on the current squad:
We have a wonderful blend of youth, experience, world + international class talent, with a healthy slab of young British talent at it's core. We are also coming into the season as back to back, record FA cup winners, a trophy I have adored since childhood.

My answer to those whom cite coming 3rd last season and Arsène having to acquire a number of new players:

- I strongly disagree,
we will not be repeating our worst start to the league in 30 years. Our squad is far stronger than at this time last here, why? we have 4 outstanding additions since then, Özil and Mertersacker are fresh, without WC winning hang ups, we are practically an injury-free and physically sharp squad, we have no CL qualifiers to contend with. etc. etc.

Who are the 4 outstanding additions? Some will ask....I'll tell ya!

- Francis Coquelin: Arguably our best DM since Gilberto Silva, and one of the most exceptional in the league on current form.

- Hector Bellerin: Comfortably the best young RB in Europe imo. An exceptional talent, and our first choice...a fine Sagna replacement, with a very solid, fit Debuchy as backup

- Gabriel Paulista: On TV he looks great, in person he looks even more talented. Pacey, intelligent, aggressive and young. I believe Gabriel is Bosscielny waiting to happen all over again!

- Petr muthafukin' Cech: Simply put, at least in the top 3 Greatest Premier League Goalkeepers list.

Happy to entertain debate on any of those guys.

Matthieu Flamini, Olivier Giroud & Theo Walcott:

Probably the 3 most controversial players in our current squad amongst many on here.

- Flamini; Came back, did a job, pointed allot, however, has given his best and is undeserving of allot of the unfair, and at times personal criticism he attracts. I believe the Galatasary links to be true. It would be typical of Wenger to finalise such a deal once a replacement is tied up. In this event I would love to think us Gooners will give Matthieu a classy send off.

- Giroud; Much maligned! Simply put, he isn't Thierry Henry. We have been spoilt. He is a decent player whom would start in most Champions League (European wide) team lineups. We, and every other team could do with a world class striker............He isn't Henry.

- THEO; The lad has looked VERY sharp since Wenger eased him back from a 12 month injury. Theo is a top class player whom, along with many Arsenal players has had horrific luck with injuries. Not the players fault. If he, Jack, Rambo, and every other Arsenal player can steer clear of long-term injuries......just WOAH!

My Appeal to fellow Arsenal fans:

(Firstly the controversial bit) I was challenged by @Artisan + @a_fourteen (Peace guys!) about my declaration as being a ST holder within 2 days of signing up to A-M
IIRC, I was slapped with, ''All Arsenal fans are equal''
I'm afraid I disagree. (This is probably the point at which I attract a torrent of caps-locked fury lol).
My seat at the Emirates is 10 or so rows back from the away dugout, where I sit next to a family of 3 generation Arsenal fans, whom have been coming as a family to support their beloved Arsenal for over 30 years! (Dennis - in his 70's, his two sons - 30s, and his grandson -12ish'). We are flanked and surrounded by nice, but fairly 'typical - Arsenal fans', whom tend to moan allot between goals, particularly at rare mis-placed passes, and Arsène's delay in making substitutions (a hole I must confess I also have been guilty of falling into.
Dennis, his sons, and his Grandson are unfortunately considering their future as ST holders, due to the incessant grumblings, and admittedly, the cost of holding onto their seats YoY.

My point is, we as fans have a duty, and a job to do. Of course we are all entitled to have our views however, I want to place emphasis on our job (Dennis has been among other, a mentor in this for me).
My appeal to Arsenal fans is to realise and understand that our club is made-up of fellow human beings, whom, as much as they are trained to ignore, respond to our sentiments. I see the evidence at EVERY match.
Our job as fans, since the inception of the club is to get behind our team. for example, even after conceding I make a point of standing up and shouting (sometimes with a hint of frustration) ''COME ON YOU GUNNERS! DON'T LET THESE CVNTS GET AWAY WITH THAT! SHOW THEM WHAT WE'VE GOT''.. etc. etc.

'Wrap it up mate....'

I mustn't type much more! When I say we as fans aren't equal, I qualify that by adding - Yes, technically, we are equal as human beings to support The Arsenal, but having received abuse for my own positive outlooks, I want to see the standard of support rise! I am fortunate to live where I do, and I bump into players of both AFC and sp*rs (unfortunately), during their domestic outings in Hampstead.
My experience of them is different to media-perception. Yes they're rich, famous, and well put together*, but they are typically normal, reserved, humble and often shy guys whom happen to have reached the pinnacle of a very competitive industry and represent OUR TEAM. ~*(especially Giroud, the bastard! I've had the unfortunate experience of meeting him with my girlfriend...another story for another day)

The point is, the better we can perform as fans, the more chance we have as a club to finally enter the promised land! After all I cannot remember the last successful team who won major prizes without strong support from their fans. Can you???

Final word, on transfers:

As I said time and again in my previous 12TimeWinners incarnation; we will make 1 or 2 additions. Please trust in Wenger, if nothing else, he isn't a liar. I firmly believe he is just waiting for the right class of player (THE TOP TOP!). His quotes of late really fill me with belief, that this season more than any, he senses the opportunity and is relishing a title push after years in the financially-constrained wilderness.

Hate my posts or love them, I won't be around for long. Remember, it's pretty straight forward to sit behind a screen and hurl nonsense at 'Real-life, living human beings', whom you may or may not be prepared to say such things to in person. That goes for even the twitter ITK's, whom genuine or full of it, are all part of the modern transfer rumour picture. Even though I happen to think Memz et al. are pretty thick. They're gooners, and to that I am allied.

.................REMEMBER ALSO, MAUREEN IS BRICKING IT! Have you ever know the guy to go into such a melt down in a pre-season?!


Terrific post. Was this guy banned?


Well-Known Member
Terrific post. Was this guy banned?

Yeah are ye the same person?

Because you joined today and his other persona(Jokeforum) says he's 28 and your 28.

It must be confusing having multiple personalities.Dennis probably doesn't know who he's talking to from one week to another.Perhaps that's why he's reconsidering the season ticket(I jest)

Welcome back.


Very well-known
It really isn't anything like last year is it though.

Last year we didnt have a proper DM and 99% of us agreed it was a mistake not to address this before the season kicked off, it finally got addressed by force rather than intention and we brought in Coquelin who excelled.

So here we are now with a proper DM that we all wanted and if we don't sign another backup DM its classed as mismanagement? Role back the calendar 1 year and we would have been happy to enter the season with 1 proper DM and Arteta as backup........now we have that its not good enough......never ending!

Since Özil our transfer dealings have been pretty good imo, we had a deficiency in CB, we addressed it in January, we had an issue in GK, we addressed it, we lost Sagna to ****ty city we purchased Debuchy, we sold a broken Vermaelen and purchased a young english talent, we lacked depth at CF so we purchase another english player.....NOW we have good depth and are in a position to wait for top quality people get throw their toys out of the pram because we aren't snapping up the Benteke's and Schneiderlin's of the world.

Chill out, we will add, maybe not in this window but when we do it will be top level
I don't know mate, seems you're using past deficencies in order to justify current deficencies. Just because we would have been greatful for one DM last season it doesn't mean we have no right to expect decent cover in that area. Going into last season without decent CB cover was criminal, yeah we got one in january but thats half the season gone with bad cover!

I won't disagree with you on the other transfer though, last season we were fairly pragmatic in bringing players in. Lets hope we can bring in a few more before the end of the window.

Arsenal Quotes

This is a big moment of happiness...we waited a long time for this and the happiness is linked sometimes with the suffering, and the time that you have to wait....this was more important than all the other (trophies) we have twice won the double, but were not under pressure then like we were today.

Arsène Wenger, on winning the 2014 FA Cup

Daily Transfer Updates

Saturday, June 1

Arsenal are pushing to sign Benjamin Šeško, but no final decision has been made yet [Sky Germany]

RB Leipzig want to give Šeško a new contract to remove his release clause, with Arsenal/Chelsea/Manchester United all interested [Sky Germany]

AC Milan have made signing defender Jakub Kiwior their priority this summer [Santi Aouna - FootMercato]

Arsenal enquire about £17m-rated Barcelona defender Mikayil Faye [MailSport]

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