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Squad Analysis 2014/2015


Formerly known as ArsenaLover
I guess this is a place to say what I want to say :)

I wont go to deep into our team and individual player ratings or opinions on them. I really believe we have an amazing team, very well balanced, tons of talent, and at right age.

Possible Cech signing would be fantastic. Whoever doubts him or by some lunatic thinking says he is too old, probably knows **** about football.
Would be as big of a signing as last 2 big ones we did.

Besides him, DM is the only position we really need to sort out. Many will say striker too, but with Theo probably staying, there is no room for new striker, nor would Wenger sell any to make room for new one.
At that point I find it unnecessary to even think about 'striker situation'.
We would have 1 top class striker, and 3 very, very good options to pick from. they are all differnet and offer interesting skills we sure will need. 3 strikers at similar level fighting each and every day for starting spot is fantastic 'problem' to have.

about that DM.

I am all in for Coquelin. Always believed in his talent, and am glad it paid off when we least expected it. He is quick, energetic, athletic, great at winning the ball, very good in the air, and much better on the ball then people give him credit for. Every player that talks about him in our team, keeps saying the same. They play with him everyday at training ground and praise his offensive game, and here we are, still questioning that aspect of his game without a good reason to.

What we miss is his replacement and someone to keep him on his toes. We also lack a big body in our midfield.
Wenger always liked someone like diaby or Vieira in his midfield. Someone strong, big, who can push us forward, but defend well.
I hope he is after one like that now, and it looks like he is. Imbula, Asamoah, Kondogbia, Schneiderlin, Benders, they are all big and good defenders; with some offensive skills. There is more names then just that, and this is not me saying we are after these, But what we should be looking at. we dont need someone like Arteta, cause we are stacked with quality creative cm's, its more of a big body we miss

Stupid iphone, my whole text is messed up and cant review it nicely so I hope this post looks at least decent :)
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Part time Leeds fan
I've been pondering recently, who would people say our most technically gifted players are? I think it's safe to say that Özil and Cazorla are shoe-ins for the top two. After that, I'd argue that Wilshere, Rosicky and Arteta are next in line. And then probably Sanchez, Bellerin, Ramsey and Chamberlain.

Taylor Gang Gunners

Say Yeh or You're Making The List
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I've been pondering recently, who would people say our most technically gifted players are? I think it's safe to say that Özil and Cazorla are shoe-ins for the top two. After that, I'd argue that Wilshere, Rosicky and Arteta are next in line. And then probably Sanchez, Bellerin, Ramsey and Chamberlain.

Santi has the best technique, followed closely by Mesut. Wilsh is up there too. Santi has an edge on the rest because he's so two footed. Ramsey has a good left peg on him though, that aspect of his game is underrated. The likes of Giroud, Theo and Monreal deserve a mention, particularly Giroud who has a quality left peg.


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Given that Wenger will want to get Wilshere and Ramsey into the 11, does anyone think we could potentially see a diamond type formation?

I know there's a common theme amongst fans that Wilshere-Ramsey doesn't work but they have both improved overall since the start of the season.


Part time Leeds fan
Given that Wenger will want to get Wilshere and Ramsey into the 11, does anyone think we could potentially see a diamond type formation?

I know there's a common theme amongst fans that Wilshere-Ramsey doesn't work but they have both improved overall since the start of the season.
In the FA Cup final, going forward we essentially played a diamond, with Alexis essentially playing alongside Walcott up top, whilst Ramsey tucked into the midfield, making it a diamond of sorts. Alexis tended to drift out wide more, so Monreal wasn't quite as attacking a full back as normal diamond full backs are, but Bellerin was basically the right hand's side width.

Liam Spencer

Active Member
After securing a deal for Cech, we are a top midfielder and striker away from winning the league and making it to the last four of the Champions League.

To win the Champions League, you either need a tactically brilliant manager, or an elite player or two. We don't have any of those things, so I will settle for a semifinal finish, perhaps even the quarterfinals if we bump into a Barca, Madrid or Bayern, but another R-16 exit would be unacceptable, which is why it is imperative that we top our group, so that we avoid the aforementioned teams.

I consider the Monaco defeat a one-off, probably won't happen again, and we got very complacent and thought we'd blow them away, but it was a nice little reality check and the players would have learned their lesson.

clockwork orange

Blind faith in "LVG filoshophy"
Had a nightmare about leftbacks the other day. Featured some idiot running around all the time. Turned out to be Clichy.

No, seriously leftback is a position where we can improve. Maybe not the most urgent improvement, but I'll take anything that makes us beter.

Key is that we spend our money were it brings the biggest improvement. That's a goalie, a DMF, who would make both Arteta and Flamini superfluous and a boost to our attack, a top striker or winger.


Established Member
It's not a concern right now because Monreal is on the top of his game and Gibbs provides decent back-up. Monreal is not becoming any younger and Gibbs hasn't shown yet he's capable of being a starter for us. I think we'll have to look at a new LB in 2 or 3 seasons.


Established Member
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After securing a deal for Cech, we are a top midfielder and striker away from winning the league and making it to the last four of the Champions League.

To win the Champions League, you either need a tactically brilliant manager, or an elite player or two. We don't have any of those things, so I will settle for a semifinal finish, perhaps even the quarterfinals if we bump into a Barca, Madrid or Bayern, but another R-16 exit would be unacceptable, which is why it is imperative that we top our group, so that we avoid the aforementioned teams.

I consider the Monaco defeat a one-off, probably won't happen again, and we got very complacent and thought we'd blow them away, but it was a nice little reality check and the players would have learned their lesson.

The comment in bold is in line with most pundits and anyone who has anything to say about Arsenal. The problem is that nobody is ever satisfied. We sign Cech, Arsenal need a new centre back, left back, central midfielder and centre forward to challenge for the title, basically half a team. Everyone compares summer transfer activity to what Chelsea did last season to win the league. yes Chelsea bought two players for a total of £60 + million, yes they won the league, but it helps when Manchester United were not even contenders due to transition, Liverpool lost their best player and couldn't challenge, we started horrendously and didn't click till the second half of the season and Man City were pretty much awful for half a season also. Chelsea were the most consistent, but personally it was more down to the pathetic nature of the challenging teams, rather than Chelsea making the best signings in the world leading them to dominate the league. Their title campaign was reminiscent to Man United's last title.

Signing Cech will improve our defensive unit, but after that, it is literally anyones guess as to what we do in the market as quite frankly it doesn't depend on us. I think Wenger will buy a DM and it will be a Gabriel type signing. We statistically observed Gabriel and decided he was the best fit for us. If you look at Coquelin, what he he brings most to the team defensively is his interception rate. That seems to be his key statistic so a midfielder who is brought in to challenge him needs to have that same level of interception. It isn't a question of being better on the ball. What is the point of that if they are unable to do what coquelin currently does. They may be weaker than him at it and better at the ball, but the difference can't be by much. We also have to be aware that Coquelin performed very well last season. He therefore needs someone to challenge him not displace him. There is a difference. The person who comes in cannot be a £30 million player, as you do not pay that money for them to sit on the bench. So when discussing defensive midfielders, we need to look deeper, not just at the names that are being banded around as more likely than not, we are not even interested.

As for the forward option, it is totally dependant what the big guns do in the market. We will be ready to take advantage of any top quality players left available. So it is 50/50 as to whether we get an offensive signing, but my guess is that we are working on our DM targets.

Rex Stone

Long live the fighters
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Country: Wales
The comment in bold is in line with most pundits and anyone who has anything to say about Arsenal. The problem is that nobody is ever satisfied. We sign Cech, Arsenal need a new centre back, left back, central midfielder and centre forward to challenge for the title, basically half a team. Everyone compares summer transfer activity to what Chelsea did last season to win the league. yes Chelsea bought two players for a total of £60 + million, yes they won the league, but it helps when Manchester United were not even contenders due to transition, Liverpool lost their best player and couldn't challenge, we started horrendously and didn't click till the second half of the season and Man City were pretty much awful for half a season also. Chelsea were the most consistent, but personally it was more down to the pathetic nature of the challenging teams, rather than Chelsea making the best signings in the world leading them to dominate the league. Their title campaign was reminiscent to Man United's last title.

Signing Cech will improve our defensive unit, but after that, it is literally anyones guess as to what we do in the market as quite frankly it doesn't depend on us. I think Wenger will buy a DM and it will be a Gabriel type signing. We statistically observed Gabriel and decided he was the best fit for us. If you look at Coquelin, what he he brings most to the team defensively is his interception rate. That seems to be his key statistic so a midfielder who is brought in to challenge him needs to have that same level of interception. It isn't a question of being better on the ball. What is the point of that if they are unable to do what coquelin currently does. They may be weaker than him at it and better at the ball, but the difference can't be by much. We also have to be aware that Coquelin performed very well last season. He therefore needs someone to challenge him not displace him. There is a difference. The person who comes in cannot be a £30 million player, as you do not pay that money for them to sit on the bench. So when discussing defensive midfielders, we need to look deeper, not just at the names that are being banded around as more likely than not, we are not even interested.

As for the forward option, it is totally dependant what the big guns do in the market. We will be ready to take advantage of any top quality players left available. So it is 50/50 as to whether we get an offensive signing, but my guess is that we are working on our DM targets.

I actually agree, Schneiderlin is probably unlikely. It's not how Wenger operates. I could see someone like Gueye, Imbula, Bender or Tolisso though.

Striker could be a big gun like Benzema or Griezmann hopefully, if not stick with Giroud.


Active Member
@The_Playmaker The fact is, we do need a GK, CB, R/LB, DM, CM, R/LW and a ST. So, of course, people will be happy with progress made in strengthening some of those areas, but will want us to keep going so we can become a real force.

Right now, we should be buying Čech and removing Ospina. We need a DM to rotate with Coquelin, and we need either a winger or a striker (depending on where Walcott plays). That's enough to go for the title and solidify our position in the top 3 this coming season.

Over the next two seasons, we need to replace Mertesacker and bring in another CB (their quality depending on how Gabriel and Chambers progress), and we need to gradually remove Rosicky, Cazorla, Diaby, Flamini and Arteta from the team, lower the amount of bulk we have in the middle, then bring in a CM who can rotate with Ramsey. That gives us the new DM, Coquelin, Ramsey, the new CM, Wilshere and Özil in the centre – which is balanced and has stability for at least 5 years.

After that we're just being picky. We probably can look at replacing Monreal or even Gibbs at LB, then Debuchy at RB if Jenkinson doesn't return or Chambers stays in the centre. We may see Giroud leave and we'll need another forward. But immediately, we do need 3-4 players. After that we'll need 3 more with the bulk of our ageing midfield moving on. Then it's a case of adding some quality to an already very impressive team. I don't think that's anything other than ambitious and realistic, personally.

Liam Spencer

Active Member
The comment in bold is in line with most pundits and anyone who has anything to say about Arsenal. The problem is that nobody is ever satisfied. We sign Cech, Arsenal need a new centre back, left back, central midfielder and centre forward to challenge for the title, basically half a team. Everyone compares summer transfer activity to what Chelsea did last season to win the league. yes Chelsea bought two players for a total of £60 + million, yes they won the league, but it helps when Manchester United were not even contenders due to transition, Liverpool lost their best player and couldn't challenge, we started horrendously and didn't click till the second half of the season and Man City were pretty much awful for half a season also. Chelsea were the most consistent, but personally it was more down to the pathetic nature of the challenging teams, rather than Chelsea making the best signings in the world leading them to dominate the league. Their title campaign was reminiscent to Man United's last title.

Signing Cech will improve our defensive unit, but after that, it is literally anyones guess as to what we do in the market as quite frankly it doesn't depend on us. I think Wenger will buy a DM and it will be a Gabriel type signing. We statistically observed Gabriel and decided he was the best fit for us. If you look at Coquelin, what he he brings most to the team defensively is his interception rate. That seems to be his key statistic so a midfielder who is brought in to challenge him needs to have that same level of interception. It isn't a question of being better on the ball. What is the point of that if they are unable to do what coquelin currently does. They may be weaker than him at it and better at the ball, but the difference can't be by much. We also have to be aware that Coquelin performed very well last season. He therefore needs someone to challenge him not displace him. There is a difference. The person who comes in cannot be a £30 million player, as you do not pay that money for them to sit on the bench. So when discussing defensive midfielders, we need to look deeper, not just at the names that are being banded around as more likely than not, we are not even interested.

As for the forward option, it is totally dependant what the big guns do in the market. We will be ready to take advantage of any top quality players left available. So it is 50/50 as to whether we get an offensive signing, but my guess is that we are working on our DM targets.

These half measures is precisely the reason why we fall short and then wonder what went wrong.

I'm calling it now: we are not winning the PL next season with Coquelin as you starting DM, or Giroud/Walcott as your CF.

Giroud and Walcott are not top quality strikers, and when you compare them to what your direct title rivals have to offer in this position, i.e. Aguero and Costa, it's clear that there's a world of difference.

Besides, people are overstating Coquelin here. Yes he was superb, but we are yet to see if he can keep this intensity up over the course of the season and whether he is able to compete against the best teams in Europe. Maybe he can, maybe he can't, we don't know yet, but to go into next season with Coquelin as your only reliable DM, you are asking for trouble. He needs to earn his place, and not be given a free run.

I have seen your posts on the likes of Vidal, Pogba etc. and I disagree completely, but I am not going into debate because you are entitled to your opinion, but I am taking these Vidal and Schneiderlin rumors with a barrel of salt because I cannot see him forking out that much money on a DM with the rise of Coquelin, so it's hard to predict what his plan is.

Personally speaking and based on what I have seen over the years, Wenger likes his DM to be more comfortable on the ball. He has never been a fan of these enforcer DMs, and would rather have a Gilberto, Xabi Alonso, Busquets, Arteta (when he had his legs) over someone like Makelele, so it is probable for me that he might look for someone who is better on the ball even if he's less tenacious.

I agree with the striker bit. He probably has his eyes on another opportunistic deal along the lines of Özil, Sanchez etc., and is obviously monitoring the Aguero Madrid link, so that he can finally lay his hands on Benzema.


Active Member
I don't think we have seen enough of Walcott to judge if he's good enough for us in that position, but what we've seen in his last two games there is easily as encouraging as what Coquelin and Bellerín have shown us this season.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually going to side more with @The_Playmaker on this one because one of my friends who is a United supporter brought up a fair point being this:

Ferguson has won the league several times with squads that honestly on paper look ridiculously average. Same goes for Simeoni two seasons ago at Athletico. Sure star players and depth provide more chances of success but like said earlier, you will always find weak spots in teams (bar your Barca/Bayen/Madrid) so mentality/squad chemistry/tactics/luck are just as important as who your personnel are.

Even if we only sign Cech this window there should not be an excuse of we can't compete for the league because of 1 or 2 players. Thats silly, we really do have quite a formidable squad (when they aren't injured) at disposal.


I don't think we have seen enough of Walcott to judge if he's good enough for us in that position, but what we've seen in his last two games there is easily as encouraging as what Coquelin and Bellerín have shown us this season.

No its not, the latter two have shown their quality over the course of half a season, including games against the top teams. Walcott showed it only in the last two games of the season, against West Brom and Aston Villa two bottom half teams.

For me, we absolutely have to bring in a striker in addition to a goalkeeper, those two positions are absolutely vital if we were to compete next season. A DM to compete with Coquelin is good enough, I'm perfectly fine if Wenger decided to invest in some younger talent, instead of spending big on the likes of Schneiderlin and co.


Memri Fan
I've said this over and over again we don't need any major additions at this stage.

Injuries being kept to a minimum and consistency (which is linked to the former) are key.

Sign Cech and a midfielder and we're done.


Active Member
I'm actually going to side more with @The_Playmaker on this one because one of my friends who is a United supporter brought up a fair point being this:

Ferguson has won the league several times with squads that honestly on paper look ridiculously average. Same goes for Simeoni two seasons ago at Athletico. Sure star players and depth provide more chances of success but like said earlier, you will always find weak spots in teams (bar your Barca/Bayen/Madrid) so mentality/squad chemistry/tactics/luck are just as important as who your personnel are.

Even if we only sign Cech this window there should not be an excuse of we can't compete for the league because of 1 or 2 players. Thats silly, we really do have quite a formidable squad (when they aren't injured) at disposal.
We can absolutely compete for the title with this team. The problem is, we can't guarantee a title challenge if we go into the season with obvious weaknesses.

Firstly, we're predictable. Secondly, players will inevitably get injured; and if you don't have the depth in the squad to offset the loss of a key player, you're at the mercy of other teams dropping points and your remaining players picking up the slack. It's far from ideal; and for us, it's completely unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
Firstly, we're predictable.
I'm a big fan of Wenger but isn't our predictability really down to the manager? The players are good/smart enough to know how to play a different game if coached properly. Now we sit back more against top opposition for example.

Secondly, players will inevitably get injured;
This is true but luck/physios/training methods play a role in this. Chelsea's squad barely had any injuries and Mourinho keeps playing the same 11... Plus we always seem to have a much tougher time with injuries for some reason (endless debate)

Look, I'm not saying buying appropriate players when they are available isn't the right thing to do, it completely is. But I also don't see a reason to invest lots of money unless there is a clear upgrade. Cech is, Benzema would be, as a lot of other names mentioned. The question is if they actually are available.

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Arsène Wenger

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