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FA | Arsenal vs Blackburn | 16/02/2013 | 15:00 | Player |

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tap-in said:
musicmonkey said:
Eurgh, hate this place after a loss, it's just filled with circular arguments we've been over a thousand times. Too many people flogging a dead horse in here, we've been over the lack of ambition, failure to spend and whether or not we should change managers. What the hell does winging do at this point in the season when we're not in a transfer window, we're not going to sack the manager now and we can't change the board. Suck it up, move on and support the team until the end of the season. Go mental then if you've got complaints.

What the hell does winging do at this point in the season when we're not in a transfer window,

tbh it makes no difference if we are in a transfer window or not because nothing changes anyway. Before a window we all know the areas that need to be strengthened, after a window they still need to be strengthened.

Call it winging if you like but why have a forum like this is you cant put forward your thoughts and opinions?
I'm all for thoughts and opinions but it's hardly rational thoughts and opinions. Just a load of people throwing their toys out the pram yet again cause we've lost. If they posted like this when we were winning and saying the same things then they'd have my respect but what we've got at the moment is just pointless.

It's this sort of thing i'm talking about, completely ignoring the other side of things because we're all feeling down because of a loss. There's clearly some sort of change, we don't seem to have any first team players on their way out bar maybe Sagna and we can improve there anyway, deadwood looks to be on it's way out, we're actually acknowledging some of the players who clearly don't meet the grade by freezing them out and our last few signings have been pretty good, full internationals at a prime age instead of young projects. What about the LB we've just signed? We had an area that needs to be strengthened and we pulled in a Spanish international to sort it.

Uncle Mike

Established Member
musicmonkey said:
It's this sort of thing i'm talking about, completely ignoring the other side of things because we're all feeling down because of a loss. There's clearly some sort of change, we don't seem to have any first team players on their way out bar maybe Sagna and we can improve there anyway, deadwood looks to be on it's way out, we're actually acknowledging some of the players who clearly don't meet the grade by freezing them out and our last few signings have been pretty good, full internationals at a prime age instead of young projects. What about the LB we've just signed? We had an area that needs to be strengthened and we pulled in a Spanish international to sort it.
This was my first chance to see Monreal, and while he wasn't especially impressive, he was competent, which is a step up from what Santos would have been. If Santos had played, would this game have been 2-0 to the DNBs? 3-0? No, that change had to be made, and as Gervinho showed today, mere competence is perfectly acceptable.

Uncle Mike

Established Member
Enfield said:
We need a manager who will start putting the clubs priorities before that of his ego, his squads ego, his current players sensitivities etc.
What if "the club's priorities" are staying in the CL places and making money, rather than winning trophies? Isn't that what most of the Wenger Outers are saying -- that Wenger IS putting the club's priorities before anything else?

Yes, Wenger blew this one. I admit it. But it doesn't have a damn thing to do with anyone's ego.

Except maybe yours, and those of the Wenger Outers.

Uncle Mike

Established Member
redanddread said:
Invincible said:
Typical mindset of our fans these days. Accepting mediocrity...sad times!
Medicority doesn't get you into the CL 14 years in a row. It doesn't get you a tie with bayern Munich in the CL. What happened today can happen in any football match. We've lost to lower league teams 3 times in 16 years of which twice happened this season. We saw it with Liverpool vs west Brom, we saw it with Barca vs Chelsea, we saw it with Bayern vs Chelsea. **** happens mate but our **** don't stink nearly as much as some fans would have you believe.

Typical remark of a fan that sits at home or in his 60 quid seat and watches his team without clearly any idea of what it actually takes to play, manage, or own a club the size of Arsenal.

What should I say or do that would indicate that I am hurting as much as you........... @#@#$@%^@&!&!**!! Arsène out!! Gervinho can f*ck right off! TV5 is a dumd stupid fecking c**t. Now I care!!

But we do need to find some fool of a manager somewhere to take Gervinho off our hands in the summer.


Prolific Liker
Right now it's hard to be a Gooner living in the UK because of the xenophobic nature of the media blowing every Arsenal set back out of proportion just to have a shot at Arsène Wenger.

I'm hurting as much as anybody but when I see/hear every ignorant drunkard obese tosser in the media taking a pot shot at Arsène for all the years he's made them look the real plonkers that they are is when I feel like standing by for my club and manager who changed the philosophy of this club we all love and helped turn Arsenal FC into a global super brand.

Today I took my 9 year old nephew to the game as a birthday present and the joy on his face reminded me of when I first went to Highbury as a 6 year old boy with my father and uncle and he couldn't stop jumping for joy the whole time until they scored, he started weeping and I couldn't console him even after people around us tried to comfort him with 'Don't worry, we'll score and win'.

Hey, nobody said it was easy being an Arsenal fan especially for a new one, it's the fans like him who will cherish the future more than we ever did the past because they've never seen the kind of players we were lucky enough to see play for our club and they've never witnessed the joys, triumphs and the glory we have witnessed and having a chat with him on our way back home brought back so much wonderful childhood memories I've had as a new Gooner and looking at his innocent and joyful face reminded me why I love Arsenal FC the way I do.

We'll be all right lads so chin up.

Yousif Arsenal

On Vinai's payroll & misses 4th place trophy 🏆
Trusted ⭐
Arsène really need to create new tactics when he face teams who defend with 8 men, the same thing happen when we face stoke 2 weeks ago they also defend with 8 men and we score a lucky goal if we not score that lucky goal that game could end 0-0, the same thing happens today again but wenger again made the same mistake is playing with just 1 striker and we know all its not gonna work unless score an early goal. i have been say this for while but nothing change. play with 2 striker when you face these anti football teams please Arsène.

we will see this again when we face villa next week. maybe villa will be a bit open cuz they desperate to get points to stay at EPL.

Uncle Mike

Established Member
redanddread said:
The mighty Everton down 1-0 as I type. Wonder where there vaunted defense was...
They ended up allowing an equalizer in the 95th minute. To a 3rd division side. Despite having 3 English defenders. (Most likely, they'll blame Distin, the Frenchman.)

At least this should make the people demanding Wenger out, Moyes in remember that, while Wenger hasn't won a trophy in 8 years, Moyes has managed for 15 years and never won a top-flight trophy.

Or, to put it another way: Wenger has won 7 trophies, going back to 1996. Everton's last 7 trophies... you have to go back to 1966.

Moyes is no answer, Mourinho wouldn't take the job, Guardiola is going to get exposed at Bayern, van Gaal is leading De Oraanje... so I guess it's Klopp for the Black Scarfers.


Active Member
Uncle Mike said:
redanddread said:
The mighty Everton down 1-0 as I type. Wonder where there vaunted defense was...
They ended up allowing an equalizer in the 95th minute. To a 3rd division side. Despite having 3 English defenders. (Most likely, they'll blame Distin, the Frenchman.)

At least this should make the people demanding Wenger out, Moyes in remember that, while Wenger hasn't won a trophy in 8 years, Moyes has managed for 15 years and never won a top-flight trophy.

Or, to put it another way: Wenger has won 7 trophies, going back to 1996. Everton's last 7 trophies... you have to go back to 1966.

Moyes is no answer, Mourinho wouldn't take the job, Guardiola is going to get exposed at Bayern, van Gaal is leading De Oraanje... so I guess it's Klopp for the Black Scarfers.

Where has this xenophobia straw man come from? Wenger has been the victim of ridicule but that's got nothing to do with how well is he performing or why Arsenal fans are criticizing him. They're completely justified.

There are more than 5 managers in world football. For those saying we have to keep him because what's the alternative, I wonder how you would have felt about hiring a manager with 1 league title in more than a decade who's just spent the last year hiding in the relative backwater that is Japanese football.


Established Member
redanddread said:
bingobob said:
Someone mentioning Liverpool who have won the Champions League league cup and been to various finals in the last ten years while retaining arguably one of the finest midfielders in England while managing to attract players like Suarez with no CL football.I cant fault Liverpool they have shown ambition ultimately failed in their main goal but still collected silverware along the way.

So the 64million dollar question. Whose shoes would you rather be in today. Liverpool or ours-I'd rather be in ours with a CL along the way....;)

You have been bending truth here in the whole thread.

The problem is that neither Wenger and the management, nor the board, nor the players perform up to their potential. Especially Wenger seems to care more about ego than the Club's good.

Once you understand this you will not throw rubbish out like "but but but we compete in the CL and Bradford fans live without it".

First of all the squad's potential is more than losing to Blackburn at home. You don't pay out higher wages than Bayern to lose out on two cups against two lower league teams.

Secondly, the potential we have in transfer windows is all lost because Wenger and the board won't want to spend big. We have money, and we don't spend it up to our potential.


Nobody is taking anything for granted, we want us to give our best shot at everything like we ****ing did in 2007/08, although Wenger missed 1-2 transfers there as well in January, but the squad did its best and I still keep fond memories of that team.

Ask yourself, do we give our maximum, does Wenger, does the team? Is it really out of our reach to beat Blackburn with any circumstances? If the answer is yes for you, fine. But you are mixing up different reasons here.

Uncle Mike

Established Member
and1rew said:
Uncle Mike said:
redanddread said:
The mighty Everton down 1-0 as I type. Wonder where there vaunted defense was...
They ended up allowing an equalizer in the 95th minute. To a 3rd division side. Despite having 3 English defenders. (Most likely, they'll blame Distin, the Frenchman.)

At least this should make the people demanding Wenger out, Moyes in remember that, while Wenger hasn't won a trophy in 8 years, Moyes has managed for 15 years and never won a top-flight trophy.

Or, to put it another way: Wenger has won 7 trophies, going back to 1996. Everton's last 7 trophies... you have to go back to 1966.

Moyes is no answer, Mourinho wouldn't take the job, Guardiola is going to get exposed at Bayern, van Gaal is leading De Oraanje... so I guess it's Klopp for the Black Scarfers.

Where has this xenophobia straw man come from? Wenger has been the victim of ridicule but that's got nothing to do with how well is he performing or why Arsenal fans are criticizing him. They're completely justified.

There are more than 5 managers in world football. For those saying we have to keep him because what's the alternative, I wonder how you would have felt about hiring a manager with 1 league title in more than a decade who's just spent the last year hiding in the relative backwater that is Japanese football.
That is a completely ridiculous argument.

First of all, there are NOT 5 managers in world football better than Wenger. Guardiola is a fool: Barcelona should have won the CL every year that he managed them, with that much talent and all those officials' gifts; they haven't. Mourinho has never managed a team that wasn't in the top 4 greatest clubs of his own country, as you seem to think Arsenal are not at this time. Don't even get me started on Ferguson: Without officials' gifts, he'd be Neil Warnock.

Second of all, when Wenger was hired from that backwater, we had Bruce Rioch. It was not hard to find a better manager. We had also come off 5 seasons of 4th, 10th, 4th, 12th and 5th. We were an underachieving club that would have LOVED to have had the last 5 finishes we've gotten from Wenger.


Always Negative
We all know this was coming....this is time of the season when everything comes apart...its going to be a nervy roller coaster ride all the way to the end of the season now...hold on tight.


Established Member
Had a feeling we'd blow this,
that we did so at Home to a Championship side that was relegated adds to the misery.

Makes the next game v Bayern VERY interesting - will we bounce back to regain some credibility (even if only for the 1 off performances we've seen each season?),
or will this result see us lose any confidence & crumble further?

Aside from most of the comments already made,
perhaps an issue is that our focus is too much on the CL fixtures as we've devalued the domestic Cups far too much?

Ironic then that the FA Cup was the last title AW won - and he doesn't rate either that performance OR the competition.
That being the case he's won nothing since 'The Invincibles' - perhaps that will be his last & crowning achievement?


Active Member
Uncle Mike said:
First of all, there are NOT 5 managers in world football better than Wenger. Guardiola is a fool: Barcelona should have won the CL every year that he managed them, with that much talent and all those officials' gifts; they haven't. Mourinho has never managed a team that wasn't in the top 4 greatest clubs of his own country, as you seem to think Arsenal are not at this time. Don't even get me started on Ferguson: Without officials' gifts, he'd be Neil Warnock.

Second of all, when Wenger was hired from that backwater, we had Bruce Rioch. It was not hard to find a better manager. We had also come off 5 seasons of 4th, 10th, 4th, 12th and 5th. We were an underachieving club that would have LOVED to have had the last 5 finishes we've gotten from Wenger.

Another straw man! I said there are are 5 better world football managers than Wenger did I? In fact I rate him so highly that I think he should call it a day before he erases all of his amazing legacy. It's honestly uncomfortable seeing people contort themselves into these ridiculous positions to justify his position. What you should be asking is if I think there's 5 managers who'll do a better job than he's doing now and the answer is a resounding yes. I used to be truly AKB but there's only so long before you have to open your eyes.

Is it fair to say then if 47 year old Wenger was transported to today, you wouldn't support his hiring because now we could get in your words "a better manager"? In that case what makes you so sure our next great manager is not out there waiting for that big shot? There are several managers who have enjoyed more success than pre-Arsenal Wenger who'd relish a chance at Arsenal.

Do you not realise that Wenger is 63 and will have to go at some point? Presumably then you'll not think looking for a manager is futile? As I said before criticizing the alternatives is the last stop on the Wenger denial train, destination reality, you're almost there.


Established Member
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/21488496" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/21488496</a>

Keown's thoughts...


The stone that the builders refuse
AS bad as the result was it really is just one of those things that happen. Quite honestly, everytime we get knocked out a cup it's like the world has come to an end and this trophyless thing is brought up again. However, it's never mentioned that certain clubs haven't won **** for umpteen years. We are a successful football club that is going through a tough streak but the way it's all blown out of proportion by certain sets of fans, the media etc etc is quite frankly, ridiculous.
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